Tuesday, January 4, 2011


1, Unimaginable blessings! Uncontrollable joy! Incomprehensible favour! Indescribable peace! These & more are my wishes 4 u.
2, A song is in ur mouth to sing this season and it is a song of new beginning, so dont let it turn into gnashing of teeth... It depends on u, happy new yr!!!
3, U' have been a great part of my life in 2010, U' extended your friendship to me. Its' only natural that I would want U in 2011, so let's do this again. Happy new yr.
4, It seems to be the best season for me because we are matching into another yr alongside special & virtuous person like U, its wonderful... I sincerely wish u a dramatic 2010.
5, New day, new week, new month, new year, new blessings, new grace, new mercies, new favours, new upliftment, new stories and new connections are yours' this new yr. Happy celebration.
6, Wishing U a fruitful and prosperous year ahead. Happy new year!!!
7, Your joy will not be once upon a time. Victory song will not cease from your mouth, this season will bring U closer to the fulness of your destiny. Happy celebration.
8, Once upon a time a child was born on this day! He's the reason for the season... This season your joy will know no end U will be elevated and celebrated! Merry christmas...
9, The angel of God will role away any stone blocking your blessings and U will suffer no set back but u will continue to enjoy the blessings and the peace of the most high, JesusChrist. Amen
10, Whatever things that are true, whatever that makes 1 smiles, whatever that removes fear, whatever fulfils, whatever edifies, whatever loves, whatever brings joy and peace...All this and more shall be your this period, takecare.
11, Your glory has been let loose because U are no longer in chains, U have been declared independent. All good things that pertain to life are all yours', happy independent.
12, Wishing u 12 months of happiness, 52 weeks of fun, 365days of laughter, 8,760 hours of favour, 5,256,000seconds of successes. Happy celebration.
13, May the joy of xmas be yours and blossom into fruition in the year ahead... Happy Xmas.

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