Friday, January 7, 2011


1, Loneliness kills faster than aids, it gets worse when u' are missing not just anybody but someone very close to ur heart. I miss u so much, my love...

2, Goodthings goes to good people, nice things goes to nice people, better things goes to better people & best things to best people. Wishing u success in all your endeavour.

3, With my first breath this morning i ask God Almight to let his eternal grace to shine upon your life and bless you with all that you heart truely desires, happyday love.

4, Through his death and resurrection may you be E-empowered, A-assured, S-save, T-transformed, E-encouraged, R-restored. Have a joyful EASTER

5, If oneday, u feel like crying u cry because i can't promise to make u laugh but i am willing to cry with u.

6, Keep me as a friend and i will keep u in my heart and lock u up with a gold key, i will throw away the key so that no one can take you away from me.

7, Let everyday be a dream you can touch. Let everyday be a love u can feel. Let everyday be a reason to live because life indeed is beautiful. Good9t and sweetdreams

8, I am sending you my bed to sleep on, my pillow to give you comfort, my blanket to keep u warm. I can't sleep tonight because i have given u my whole life including my sweetdreams.

9, In my life i learn to love, to smile, to be happy, to be strong, to be honest, to work hard, to forgive but 1 thing i cannot learn is to stop missing u, my baby.

10, No one goes to the stream early in the morning and brings back dirty water as u wakeup this morning may you be cool, calm and clean like the early morning water.

11, I went to the hill top with 2glasses & a bottle of champagen, listening to a spanish jitar this are what we do in the places we go but all i miss is u.

12, Please crosschect this alphatbets A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z. Is it correct? No "U" is missing, because i am missing U.

13, If time slips away and u haven't heard a word from me always remember that friendship is more than just words... Its a feeling of togethernes in the heart. Love u @most.

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